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Business English Language Lessons

Match the sentences.

1. Can you swim?
   a) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.
   b) No, every time I try I sink like a stone.
   c) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   d) Of course. Windsurfers do it standing up, you know.

2. Can you ski?
   a) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.
   b) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   c) The only time I tried I broke my leg.
   d) Of course. Good enough to go in the Tour de France, I am.

3. Can you cook?
   a) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.
   b) No. Every time I try I really hurt myself.
   c) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   d) Not very well, only things out of cans.

4. Can you ride a bike?
   a) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.
   b) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   c) Of course. Windsurfers do it standing up, you know.
   d) Of course. Good enough to go in the Tour de France, I am.

5. Can you windsurf?
   a) Of course. Windsurfers do it standing up, you know.
   b) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   c) Not very well, only things out of cans.
   d) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.

6. Can you sing?
   a) Only in the shower and then not very well.
   b) No. Every time I try I really hurt myself.
   c) No, he's really unclear.
   d) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.

7. Can you speak French?
   a) No, he's really unclear.
   b) No. Every time I try I really hurt myself.
   c) Oui.
   d) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.

8. Can you play tennis?
   a) No, he's really unclear.
   b) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.
   c) No. Every time I try I really hurt myself.
   d) Of course. Good enough to go in the Tour de France, I am.

9. Can you dive?
   a) No, he's really unclear.
   b) Not very well, only things out of cans.
   c) No. Every time I try I really hurt myself.
   d) Of course. Wimbledon standard, I am.

10. Can you understand what he wants?
   a) No, he's really unclear.
   b) Not very well, only things out of cans.
   c) The only time I tried I broke my leg.
   d) Of course. Good enough to go in the Tour de France, I am.


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