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Business English Language Lessons

Match the sentences.

1. There's no reply when I call his phone.
   a) He can't have gone home yet.
   b) You can't have understood what I said.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) He can't be there.

2. Your offer is totally unrealistic.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't be serious.
   d) He can't have gone home yet.

3. You only started work an hour ago.
   a) You can't need a break already.
   b) You can't have understood what I said.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) He can't have gone home yet.

4. He was due to arrive almost two hours ago.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) He can't be coming.

5. This report is full of spelling mistakes.
   a) You can't have understood what I said.
   b) You can't have used the spelling checker.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) He can't have gone home yet.

6. You haven't done what I asked you to do.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) You can't have understood what I said.

7. You've only been working for an hour and there are 50 detailed tables and graphs to check.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't have finished already.
   d) He can't have gone home yet.

8. Mike's jacket is there.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't have used the spelling checker.
   d) He can't have gone home yet.

9. That's the third car accident Kate has had this year.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) She can't be a very good driver.
   c) You can't have used the spelling checker.
   d) He can't be coming.

10. He's being made redundant in 11 weeks time.
   a) He can't be motivated to work very hard.
   b) You can't need a break already.
   c) You can't have used the spelling checker.
   d) He can't be coming.


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