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Business English Language Lessons

Click on the answer you think is correct. This exercise practises useful expressions for when you answer the telephone. We use * I'm afraid* when we are giving a response which is unhelpful but the reason is outside our control. It means something like "I would help you if I could, but I can't".

1. I'm afraid the person you want is ________ holiday.
   a) on
   b) in
   c) to
   d) at

2. I'm afraid he's ________ Helsinki at present.
   a) under
   b) on
   c) at
   d) in

3. I'm afraid he's ________ the other line.
   a) under
   b) beneath
   c) on
   d) out of

4. I'm afraid Ms Walker is ________ the factory at the moment and we cannot contact her.
   a) into
   b) under
   c) out of
   d) towards

5. I'm afraid he's ________ a trip all week.
   a) on
   b) in
   c) at
   d) through

6. I'm afraid that he is ________ his office and I don't know where he is.
   a) out of
   b) in
   c) at
   d) under

7. I'm afraid he's ________ a meeting.
   a) through
   b) at
   c) on
   d) in

8. I'm afraid you've been put ________ to the wrong extension.
   a) in
   b) on
   c) by
   d) through

9. I'm afraid Mr Cook is ________ our Head Office today.
   a) at
   b) through
   c) over
   d) on

10. I'm afraid Ms Chang's ________ lunch.
   a) in
   b) on
   c) at
   d) with

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